Hair Loss

About Hair Loss

Dr Shreya Andric Hair loss Dermatology Treatment Northern Sydney Derm.

Hair loss (also known as alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. There are numerous causes of hair loss including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of ageing.

Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on its cause. It can come on suddenly or gradually.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of hair loss include:

  • Gradual thinning on top of the head – this is the most common type of hair loss, affecting people as they age. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia. In men, hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead. Women usually have a broadening of he part in their hair.

  • Circular or patchy bald spots. This is usually known as alopecia areata and can affect the scalp, beard or eyebrows.

  • Sudden shedding of hair (telogen effluvium). A physical or emotional shock can cause hair in a certain part of the hair cycle to loosen and fall out. This is often 3 months after the event and an example is what we see after pregnancy (postpartum hair loss). Handfuls of hair may come out when brushing or washing your hair. This usually causes overall hair thinning but is temporary and, importantly, you will not go bald from this!

  • Full body hair loss. Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer can result in the loss of hair all over your body. The hair usually grows back.

  • Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp. This is a sign of a fungal infection. It may be accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling and occasionally oozing.

There are many other types of hair loss that have not been listed above.

Hair loss can have a significant impact on quality of life.

If you are experiencing hair loss, then please see your dermatologist. It is often easier to treat hair loss sooner rather than later.